Company Description
Set to the sound of Eli Marcus's new hit album "Yogati", A Day in the Life of Maui Kosher Farm highlights the hard work and achievements of Mendel and Chani Zirkind on a farm nestled in the jungle of the West Maui Mountains in beautiful Hawaii.
The words of the song are from the Tractate of Megillah:
"אמר רבי יצחק: אם יאמר לך אדם 'יגעתי ולא מצאתי' - אל תאמן
'לא יגעתי ומצאתי'
אל תאמן
'יגעתי ומצאתי' - תאמן" ( בבלי מגילה ו: ).
In English:
If someone says, “I have tried and not succeeded”, don’t believe it.
If someone says, “I did not try and I succeeded”, don’t believe it.
But if someone says, “I tried and I succeeded”, then believe it!
Photos & Videos
Products & Services
Farm-to-Table Dining , Summer programs , Kosher On Maui , Farm Stand , Cottages , Jungle Hikes , Chef Menu , Mikvah , Shabbos & Yomtov , Organic Produce , Kosher Farm Tours , Farm tours , Agritourism , Summer Experience
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