Kihei, HI
Hawaii's Kihei is a census-designated place that is under the control of Maui County. In the 2020 census, there were 21,423 people living there.
16,749 persons were found to be living in the census-designated place (CDP) as of the year 2000 census. 6,170 households and 3,813 families made up this total. With 9,170 dwelling units present at an average density of 902.6 per square mile, the population density was measured at 1,648.6 persons per square mile. The CDP had a 47.76% White population, 6.74% African Americans, 0.48% Native Americans, 24.72% Asians, 7.85% Pacific Islanders, 1.58% other races, and 16.87% people who identified as more than one race. 1.52% of the population identified as Hispanic or Latino.
There were also 6,170 homes, of which 32.0% had residents under the age of 18, 45.7% were married couples, and 10.6% were headed by a single woman and 38.2% were not families. 4.0% of households had a resident who was 65 years of age or older, while 25.7% of them included just one person. There were 2.70 people per household and 3.31 people per family on average.
The population of the census-designated place (CDP) was distributed across several age groups, with 25.1% of the population being under the age of 18, 8.1% between the ages of 18 and 24, 36.2% between the ages of 25 and 44, 23.6% between the ages of 45 and 64, and 7.0% being 65 or older. The population was 35 years old on average. In the CDP, there were 103.1 men for every 100 females. The ratio stayed the same, with 103.3 men for every 100 women who are at least 18 years old.